Markdown Reference

This reference explains the Markdown markup language supported in AnTreNotes and Desktop TreNotes. It provides advanced formatting features using simple and intuitive syntax. When a Markdown note is displayed, it is converted to well-formed HTML. Download the sample file to see how to apply Markdown formatting to notes.


Each paragraph is separated by a blank line.

Markdown note HTML output

This is a sample paragraph.

New paragraph with a line break. Put two spaces at the end of the line to insert a line break.
Line break here.

This is a sample paragraph.

New paragraph with a line break. Put two spaces at the end of the line to insert a line break.
Line break here.


Please note that you must include a blank line after a heading.

Markdown note HTML output
# Heading 1

Some text...

## Heading 2

### Heading 3

#### Heading 4

Heading 1

Some text...

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4


These modifiers can alter the appearance of a sentence.

Markdown note HTML output
Paragraph 1

> Block quote

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 1

Block quote

Paragraph 2

This sentence has an _italic_ word by surrounding it with single underscore or with single asterisk *italic*.

This sentence has an italic word or with single asterisk italic.

This sentence has a **bold** word by surrounding it with double asterisk.

This sentence has a bold word by surrounding it with double asterisks.

This **_word_** is bold and italic.

This word is bold and italic.

Surround with two tildes to use ~~strikeout font~~.

Surround with two tildes to use strikeout font.

Surround with two pluses to use ++underline font++.

Surround with two pluses to use underline font.

Use carets to indicate superscript such as x^2^.

Use carets to indicate superscript such as x2.

Use to indicate subscript: log~2~x.

Use tildes to indicate subscript: log2x.

Use == to highlight text. This is ==highlighted== text.

Use == to highlight text. This is highlighted text.

Source Code

Use the following methods to mark a block of text as computer source code.

Markdown note HTML output
Call `startActivity()` to launch a new activity.

Call startActivity() to launch a new activity.

Paragraph 1

if(flag == 4) {
     // Do something

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 1

if(flag == 4) {
    // Do something

Paragraph 2


Markdown note HTML output
1. Numeric list
2. Item 2
3. Item 3
4. Item 4
  1. Numeric list
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3
  4. Item 4
* Bullet list
* Item 2
* Item 3
  • Bullet list
  • Item 2
  • Item 3


Simple table can be built by separating each field with the pipe character (|). AnTreNotes and Desktop TreNotes automatically provides basic table borders for all tables. All table column is left aligned by default. To specify left align, put : on the left of the column separator (-). To centre align, put : on both end of the separtor. To right align, put : on the end of the separtor

|Size|Height (cm)|Weight (kg)|

will become this:

Size Height (cm) Weight (kg)
1 145-165 45-60
2 145-170 50-70
3 150-175 55-75

Web Link

Markdown note HTML output
Search at [Google]( Place the link's description in square bracket marks and the URL link immediately by a colon.

Search at Google. Place the link's description in quotation marks and the URL link immediately by a colon. Note there is no space between the end quotation mark and the colon.


Item Link

Markdown note HTML output
This is an [item link](tnlink://3). Place the link's description in square brackets and the URL link immediately surrounded by parentheses. Note there is no space between closing square bracket and the parentheses. The URL can be generated using the Insert Item Link toolbar button. __Do not modify the link generated__.
This is an item link. Place the link's description in square brackets and the URL link immediately surrounded by parentheses. Note there is no space between closing square bracket and the parentheses. The URL can be generated using the Insert Item Link toolbar button. Do not modify the link generated.